Spam Mail Issues have become a big issue for a number of website owners on the Internet. Spam is an email that is sent to a vast number of recipients. The intention is to send the recipient to a commercial site that is not always appropriate.
ISPs have Mail servers that can assist with using spam filters. however, this often leads to important emails being sent to the SPAM or Junk Mail folder on the server side. Spam filter ‘rules’ are usually based on specific words or characters that are commonly used in spam.
Recommended Contact Form Practices:
The following is helpful in inhibiting BOTS or Humans from sending SPAM:
- Add Honeypot and Google V3 Captcha to the Form for BOTS
- Remove the Comment or Message Field, as Humans use this to send SPAM links
- Add a Checkbox of Services to tick as an alternative to the Comment or Message, this inhibits human s from adding SPAM links.
- Remove any DIRECT email links on the website as these links cannot offer filters like we add in the forms.
Recommended best practices by Xneelo:
- Avoid using all capitals in your subject and body unnecessarily.
- Avoid using punctuation in the subject.
- Avoid using excessive punctuation in the body, eg. punctuation!!??
- Avoid substituting letters with numbers, eg. w3b h0sting
- Avoid having gaps between the letters in words, eg. l e t t e r s
- Avoid using many different font colours in your email.
- Avoid using large font sizes.
- Avoid using gimmicky words or phrases that are commonly found in spam emails, eg: Click Here, Buy Now, As Seen On, Money Making, Get Paid, Make Cash, Pre-Approved, Hot Deal, Satisfaction Guaranteed, Lowest Prices, Save Big, etc.
- Include a text version of your email if you are sending an email in HTML format.
- Maintain a good text to image ratio, ie. for every image include at least two lines of text.
- Ensure that your internet IP address assigned to you by your Internet Service Provider is not listed on a spam blacklist.
- Avoid using shortened URLs (web links) in your email body, eg. or
- Avoid adding a large number of URLs (web links) to the email body.
- Avoid using rude language or poor spelling.
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